Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Go Away Lena - Social Media Doesn't Want You

Yes! There IS a God! Lena Dunham is going to stay away from social media, especially Twitter. 

Whoops, why are you back on Twitter whining, once again proving your way with words are as perverted as your father's art?

1 comment:

  1. She's got the social skills and mentality of any moronic left wing boob. After his big hit in Paris We've offered to put a road act together for John Kerry to benefit ISIS troops. It'll feature James Taylor, Carrot Top, Richard Simmons for starters and we'd love to sign her. I don't think a burka will be an issue for her liberal sensibilities. Now that i think of it, we could just grab some homeless woman, who'd know? I mean as long as we found us a real crazy no one would know the difference.
