It's hard to believe that women and their enraged lady parts screwed up health care for millions of Americans, but, hey, someone's got to be the scapegoat for the money pit affectionately known as Obamacare.
A new report in the National Review Online gives some shocking details about how much money is being spent to enact the Democrat's health care law:
As you may remember, back in May we were told by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary Sylvia M. Burwell that the cost of building HealthCare.gov totaled $834 million, glitches and all. HHS’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) provided its own estimate of $800 million. However, that $800 million price tag is roughly 40 percent of the actual cost of the defective website. According to a new report produced by Bloomberg Government (BGOV), the cost of HealthCare.gov is closer to $2,142 million than $834 million.
So far the cost of HealthCare.gov has been $2.1 billion. That’s a lot, but it is nothing compared with the overall cost of the “reform,” which BGOV estimates to be $73.4 billion to this date. Note that this figure doesn’t include the cost of ACA’s expansion of Medicaid “because reliable data on actual spending, as opposed to forecasts, isn’t publicly available.”Let that simmer while you wait until November 15th when you can find out just how much your new health care premium will be in 2015.
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