By Ecklebob Chiselfritz
If Michelle Obama runs for political office after leaving White House will we be regaled with stories of the numerous times her plane set down in Martha's Vinyard while taking fire from rebel insurgents a la Hillary Clinton?
If Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden believe Africa is a Nation or a Country do they also believe the Middle East is Barack's Big Ass Sandbox?
If only between 1.5% - 3% of American's identify themselves as gay how come between 80% - 95% of boys/men in the entertainment industry look and act like they're gay? Maybe there's a poll that surveys a 'fey' factor. IDK.
If Montana Dem Senator John Walsh had to drop out of the race for 2014 because of plagiarism allegations how in the hell did alleged plagiarist Joe Biden climb the ladder to VP?
If it's Saturday night that means I'm going out for a few brews and to play poker.
Adios muchachos y muchachas.
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