Tuesday, November 25, 2014

#Ferguson Agitator Sees Prophecy Fulfilled and Has Phone Jacked #FergusonDecision

Bassam Masri is not a Ferguson, MO resident, but he does live in the St. Louis area and has been one of the leading agitators who have descended upon the community, hell bent on creating the chaos that was achieved last night when the Grand Jury returned a "no indictment" decision for the actions of Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Mike Brown.

According to KSDK, on November 24th, the evening of the Grand Jury decision announcement, in Ferguson 61 people were arrested. Only nine of these were actually residents. This number is relatively low in a community that was dealt a huge blow of massive looting and an estimated 25 structural fires of vehicles and businesses.
Cut to Masri just two days ago claiming Ferguson is "his community" and that protesters have been trained in de-escalation courses: He arrogantly claims that the protesters will be peaceful and there will be no violence.

Masri, like many other non-Ferguson residents, have hijacked a community to promote their own selfish agendas. Claiming the status of citizen journalist, the shooting death of Mike Brown is secondary to Masri's mission to agitate social unrest. Last night's looting and violence from protesters was about fulfilling a promise that if the Grand Jury, regardless of the facts, did not indict Wilson, the city would burn, and, right on cue, Masri was there live streaming until his phone was jacked.
Yeah, right . . . this looks like a move the police would make. You were out-thugged, dude.

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