Monday, October 20, 2014

What does a nurse do with annoying patients? Calling nurse Ratched!

by Rob Janicki

Well, if you're Nurse Daniela Poggiali, you just bump them off, to use an old phrase.

Daniela Poggiali, 42, was brought into custody after the autopsy report on one of her former patients revealed a lethal amount of potassium in her system which led to cardiac arrest. A brief investigation has also linked Poggiali to 37 other patient deaths at Umberto I Hospital in Lugo (Italy).According to Alessandron Mancini, the lead prosecutor, Poggiali appeared “unperturbed” upon her arrest.The investigators have state[...] d that all of the potential victims were “annoying patients with pushy relatives,” and it would appear that Poggiali ended the lives of these patients not out of empathy, but out of pure spite. 

Poggiali also had a little habit of adding extra laxatives to some patients regimen, but that paled in comparison to one other macabre habit she had.

Additionally, officials found several selfies depicting Poggiali giving a “thumbs up” over dead bodies in hospital beds. 

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