Monday, August 18, 2014

Obama MIA While Protesters Scream F&%k Sharpton

Obama has left Martha’s Vineyard and returned to the White House for a two-day vacation break to attend meetings on the Iraq and Ferguson situation. It appears that he has gotten the message that the optics of partying are a tad bit insensitive amid the crises Americans are witnessing abroad and domestically.
Unicorns expect Obama to be criticized from right-leaning thinkers, but holy cow the #Ferguson hashtag has been lit up with outrage over the president's out-of-touch, MIA behavior. His expected statement Monday afternoon must be, in part, response to such backlash.

Unfortunately, Obama is a day late and a dollar short (as usual). Only the agitators, like Al Sharpton, have been in Ferguson, making a horrible situation even worse. Looks like the citizens and imported protesters/looters/rioters aren't satisfied with a race-baiting hack from MSNBC.

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