Friday, October 31, 2014

Another weekend in the shooting gallery known as Chicago

by Rob Janicki

It was another blazing weekend in Chicago, and we're not talking about the temperature.  Guns were blazing and people were dropping like flies in a Black Flag fog.
October has been one of the most violent months this year in the city of Chicago: This weekend, four were killed and 32 were wounded during a Indian Summer-like weekend.
The deaths occurred on Friday and Sunday,but Chicago was lucky that even more didn't die on Sunday as there were nearly as many shootings on that one day (18 incidents) alone as both Friday and Saturday combined (21 shootings). Sunday, of course,had the nicest temperatures.  
Chicago, controlled by a corrupt Democrat Party political machine for most of my lifetime, continues to decline and it's the black community that has suffered the most.  One has to ask why is it that the black community has suffered so greatly?  Didn't Democrats provide pubic housing and support for southern blacks that migrated northward after World War II?  Yes, and blacks have been relegated to the Democrat plantation in south Chicago ever since.  The housing projects were meant to keep blacks from settling in the white suburbs and upscale, white sections of Chicago.

Unfortunately, the black housing projects turned into centers infested with drugs and crime.  This is where black-on-black crime got its foothold and that's what we see regularly in Shooting Gallery Chicago.

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